Thursday, November 1, 2007

Just ME

Flash used: No
Focal length: 50.0mm (35mm equivalent: 75mm)
Exposure time: 0.017 s (1/60)
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO equiv.: 1600
Whitebalance: Auto

Just me taking a quick pic in my bathroom mirror of my new glasses...what do you think?


Maureen said...

You are so much braver than I am (and prettier :)...I LOVE those glasses! I'm picking out new ones next week and I'm dreading it (I hate making decisions that cost money!)

Cindy Shaver said...

They look great on you!

Short Stories by Ruth said... are so funny. I remember when you got your hair cut and did this too... LOL

Love the glasses too!

Arya said...

I hardly get infront of the lens and I rarely do anything for me so I have to document It has been 5 years since I went to an optomatrist and it had been over a year for the which reminds me I need to go back in...haha

Jennifer said...

Arya I really like this girl! Too cool! And the glasses make you look really smart!