Wednesday, November 7, 2007's not a football player!

ISO3200, ss320, f3.2


Arya said...

I just love seeing your sports/highschool related stuff. It's so wonderful and takes me back to when I was in HS.

Short Stories by Ruth said...

but she is still moving!!! Do you use the back focus button? I just don't understand it yet!

Cindy Shaver said...

I love that she is smiling!

Maureen said...

thanks gals!

I don't know how to use the back focus button either Ruth; I've had other photogs tell me it will improve my I should probably learn!

and lol Cindy! ...not sure if she saw me or if it's because she's such a happy kid :)

Hightower Photography said...

I tried to use the back button focus, but I don't think I am coordinated enough. Plus, my husband tried to use the camera after I changed it and about had a fit.

Maureen said...

Well, the whole 'not coordinated enuf' pretty much lets me know that I will fail at it Kim:)

I have enuf trouble with the way I'm taking pics now...maybe I'll try it after Christmas...or not.