Saturday, November 10, 2007

My Daughter

Here is a picture of my daughter I did a few weeks ago. I use it on my website to show my conversions that are available, hence the word "Textured". I am going to get them in their Halloween costumes and shoot pictures tomorrow. My husband was flying too much before Halloween to get good pictures, I always need help when I take pictures of both of them. They won't work for this year, but they should help with advertising next year.


Short Stories by Ruth said...

Cute Kim. I'm going to have to go and check out your website. BTW you need to tell us a little about yourself. What is your name on Shuttermom??? I haven't been there in so long! :(

Hightower Photography said...

Thanks Ruth,
My name on Shuttermom is frcebwthu. I haven't been there in a while either. I have been so busy lately, not so much with Photography (I wish), just putting my life back together after getting out of the Navy Nurse Corps. My other job is a Nurse Case Manager.
I have been doing photography for a long time. I got my first Digital Camera when I lived in Japan and have never gone back. I am having a great time focusing on Portraits.
Oh, yes. I have two beautiful kids under 3 and am potty training to boot. My Website is