Saturday, November 17, 2007

girls basketball picture

ok I'll introduce myself!! hehehe I'm Ruth ya ok! enough :) I've had my business for a full year now and am even more excited now than I was a year ago. I've still got tons to learn and want to be doing this for my full time work in 4 more years. Why so long? Because I work for the government and I want to vest (for retirement purposes) before I leave. I have 5 kids, two married, one in college, one leaving to go on a mission for our Heavenly Father (for two years) in Jan. and a 16 year old still at home. My Cabanaboy, Kyle, is a volleyball coach and we both run a club volleyball for 8 teams...yes that is over 80 girls. I'm the club director and NUTS! I'm leaving you with my picture from today that I took at the high school girls basketball pictures....


Arya said...

Love this shot Ruth! Very dramatic and AWSOME!

Hightower Photography said...

Love it. Tell us how you did it.

Maureen said...

Once again Ruth, you nailed the lighting...ditto what Arya said, very dramatic!

Courtney said...

Wow love your lighting. Care to share how you achieved it?