Tuesday, November 13, 2007

new faces!!

I just wanted to welcome our newest additions to our blog!!! Kim, Bethany, and Courtney. All have been around for awhile and we know them from shuttermom. Kim you need to to a formal introduction.... (not hiding it in you message thingy) and then we old fogies need to as well!!!

I'm looking forward to the kids on the block. I miss Tesa's wit and Michelle' charm...oh yea!! and Lindy....we just miss her and hope things get better for her.


Anonymous said...

Welcome aboard gals! I am still around.....just trying to get my blog in order and going. :) I will stop by and visit often! You can't get rid of me that fast Ruth! haha

Cindy Shaver said...

hey, Michelle is ALIVE! Welcome ladies, jump in and post!

Jennifer said...

oh you didn't miss me huh Ruth? Just kidding, I'm still around, just been a really busy crazy time with the business and with personal family stuff!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the welcome!