Saturday, November 10, 2007

My BFF Jessica

I had an engagement session this morning. My youngest, Jessica, and her best friend, Jessica, came with me so I could do pictures of them. This was taken with my 85mm 1.4 - LOVE IT!


Hightower Photography said...

Love it. They are going to cherish this picture for a long time.

Short Stories by Ruth said...

so give up the skinny...what were your settings and where was the sun? Also, do you really think you'll use the 1.4 setting? I'm thinking of getting the 2.8 85mm cause I don't think I would ever open it up more than that!!!

Short Stories by Ruth said...

oh and that is a darling picture!! love the conversion!! can we see the color?

Cindy Shaver said...

Ruth, didn't keep the color. I edited on my laptop (which I don't do for serious shoots) and deleted all but the final edits.

The ss was 1/1000, f2, ISO 200. Sun was in front of them (to my back) but behind a cloud.

I have played at 1.4, but I'm loving it at 2.0!

Jennifer said...

this is great Cindy, love it!

Maureen said...

Georgous Cindy...I absolutely love this shot!