Friday, January 11, 2008

my 4 facts


I used to own a pig named Toy. I had him in college and was terrified of him. Why? I have no idea why I got him.

I got to be Clara one year in our dance studios Nutcracker. Full blown Nutcracker Suite.

Billy Mummy from the Original Lost in Space TV show. (see I'm old) asked me out on a date. Yea, I was in 7th grade. Mom said "no"

I used to operate an overhead crane in a United States Steel Mill. And was the first female Union shop steward EVER!

Here is my image for the day! :)


Cindy Shaver said...

Cool! You've done some cool stuff.

So, how are the moms liking these images?

Hightower Photography said...

Wow, that is a really neat picture--love it. Steel Mill--wow.