Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another weird one...

... I was asked by my sister-in-law to shoot jewelry for her new website...eek! I've never shot product before but I'm going to give it a go. The hardest part is getting the lighting correct. I have 2 spotlights (ok, they're my son's desk lamps) on both sides and a white poster board behind, trying to get rid of any shadows. I'm also amazed at the shallow DOF unless I close down the aperture (you all probably knew that :) This is one of her older pieces, made before she even thought of selling her stuff; I have to drive to the coast to do the actual job. She is an amazingly talented artist with some beautiful jewelry....which I can't even afford (she did say she would give me something for taking the pics...yea!!!)

Special thanks to Tesa for giving me some hints on how to do this (and lots of encouragement!). I hope to be posting the final (and much improved) photos in a couple weeks!

ISO 640, ss60, f10....I know I am going to need to get a tripod so I can get the ISO down - then I can lower the shutter speed to compensate for lower light.

ps. I deleted the first photo I put up was too orange.


Hightower Photography said...

That looks great Meg. A lot different than sports, huh?

Short Stories by Ruth said...

The colors looks great the stone you used in the background.