Thursday, August 2, 2007


OK, I was asked by Ruth to come up with some themes for the next couple of weeks and since no one objected (you snooze you lose) here's what I have come up with (and I couldn't find a list so I made up my own)

Week of Aug. 5th.....Flash - as per Ruths suggestion (I will let her explain the parameters because I'm not sure what they are:)

week of Aug. 12th....In your own backyard (pretty much anything in your yard or garden)

week of Aug. 19th...Red

week of Aug. 26th...Pets/animals

week of Sept. 2nd...Everyday objects (seen in a different or interesting way)

week of Sept.

I am only picking 6 so more people will have a chance to participate in choosing themes (and because I can't think of anything else!)

Did I do this correctly Ruth???

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

ok I am going to be out with pics of the week of flash. Because I don't use flash, I'm all natural lighting and I don't think my one camera flash will look good! So what do i do?