Saturday, August 25, 2007

Red Hot

ISO3200 (and that was on purpose Tesa:) ss100, f5.6


Lindy said...

LOL, so you did the iso on purppose then? haha Kewl shot! :)

Lindy said...

Oh I should add, isn't it a bit warm to be starting the fires?? LOL

Short Stories by Ruth said...

very nice for 3200!!!!

Tesa said...

Rub it in MEG LOL its not my fault my brain is broken :(

Maureen said...

Well it was 105 that day, so yeah I guess it was a bit warm for a fire Lindy :) I won't turn on the stove in the summer (heck, I barely turn on the air with our electricity costs) so we pretty much BBQ all summer.

and I apologize Tesa, I didn't realize you had broken your brain....hope you're better real soon...tee hee.