Settings: f4.5, ss 250, iso 200
designhouse by Andy Armstrong is a collection of Photoshop actions, brushes, custom shapes, and styles, as well as hi-res backgrounds, wallpapers, textures, digital mats, and photo objects. He's also recently released a set of greeting card templates and magazine cover templates for modern photographers. If you get a chance, go check it out. You can see designhouse at http://www.getdesignhouse.com. There's a whole bunch of video tutorials in the dh learning center too.
Tessa, I can't believe you have such wild animals! Hehe
Cute picture.
That is precious Tesa, nice shot.
awww love the style, lovin the angle so cute! :))
3 butts in a row is what I would call it... LOL
Tesa, I am so glad you posted this! Exactly what I wanted to see...Your dogs' butt! :P
Dog has a nice but lol its got a heart shape marking lindy ahha hubbys butt maybe whats throwing u off LOL
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