Sunday, August 5, 2007

my first shutter drag

ok I totally don't get it. But with practice maybe I'll understand. The article says iso400 f4.0 ss30 No way did that work for me. so I had to play with stuff, with my iso 1000 it is really grainy and I don't like it. Also, you can see the pin flash in his eyes. How do you get rid of that?

Oh...and it came out really warm...even on the flash mode and on AWB. wassup with that? Yup, this is going to take some practice. Cindy I noticed you took it at f8.0. I got all kinds of ghost at 2.8 when he moved.


Cindy Shaver said...

Ruth, I read on the forum that a lot of people had the pinlights. I didn't see a way to get rid of them. Some said when they bounced the flash and got catch lights - then you couldn't see the pin lights. You may just have to edit them out.

I did go to f8. Because I got the ghosting of her walking away. I played around to get the background lit and no ghosting, that's the settings that worked for me.

That said, if your subject is still, the larger aperture is fantastic!

I've been doing something like this indoors for a long time, I just didn't realize it was dragging the shutter.HAHA

I love this theme!!!

Short Stories by Ruth said...

I just plan on doing one photo a night and see if I can get the hang of it. I'm wondering why it was so red. Do you think it was because it was dark??? No matter what I put it on, my white balance was totally OFF.

Cindy Shaver said...

maybe, I wonder with the low light how you'd present/custom set white balance?

I don't remember if you shoot Nikon or Canon, but with the Nikon you can adjust the color temp of your setting with the compensation dial. To the right adds blue/green, to the left adds red/yellow. YOu might try that.