Thursday, August 2, 2007

Let's Talk Themes

Okay, I confess, I'm a slacker. There are days when I don't pick up my camera (hanging head in shame). Then there are others where I do a shoot, but don't take the time to photograph the "theme" item for the week.

Here's what I'd like to see come of this blog:

I'm in this to learn. I'd love for us to try new techniques/skills that others have displayed and done with success. For example, easy ones would be depth of field, stopping and blurring motions, etc. More complicated might be shooting with one light, shooting with two lights, bouncing flash off a poster board to the side of your subject, etc.

I know that it seems every time I shoot I learn something, so it would be great that as we take on these techniques, we also post lessons learned. For example, the 10 second shutter speed just doesn't work on a sunny day, no matter what filter I used!

I think Lindy's idea of posting an image from a client shoot on those days is also acceptable. Especially if you are posting the exif data and maybe telling about how you set up the shot. I've learned a lot just reading comments made on images on the ILP and Shuttermom forums.

Just my 2cents!

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