Thursday, February 14, 2008


I'm going to close this blog to only those that we give permission to. So let me know if you have anyone, like Meg, your husband, so that I can add them to make comments. Let's just stop any spamming all together....


Maureen said...
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Maureen said...
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Maureen said...

Hey Ruth, I wouldn't mind doing that, we can add up to 100 viewers (and I only have 2 friends, so I'm set :) but maybe you could try a couple other things first to see if it stops the spamming.
Go to the settings page and change the default setting on 2 things....

Add your blog to our listings

Let search engines find your blog

These are probably set to YES, just change that to NO and our blog won't be as accessable unless someone has the URL address. This might be enuf to discourage the cretinous boobs who live to make others miserable....oh I'm sorry I was talking about my relatives...oops!

Cindy Shaver said...

sounds fine to me, I don't know of any friends I have that check blogs, yes, I'm friendless, are you sad for me?

Tesa said...

What a bunch a losers eh? LOL seriously do people have anything better to do? geshhh!

I think you should go and set up verification word thing....cuz it helped me and now I dont get any spam...a lot of times its software running the internet leaving spam and they can't get past the verification word! Give it a try ma! I bet it will solve the problem it did for my blog. I used to get a TON OF SPAM now NUTTIN :P

Hightower Photography said...

Either a verification word or password protected I don't care much. It would just be me on the blog, everyone else looks at my other blog.