Wednesday, February 27, 2008

From Newborn Session

SETTINGS: ISO: 250 AP: f/2.0 SS: 1/90 All natural light used no Flash (finally the sun is out and shining bright and gorgeous!!)

This was taken yesterday at my "newborn" session - he's not a newborn but actually 8 weeks old. He was just too precious for words and kept me smiling all day long. Enjoy! Oh and the sun was shining so most of the images I got were all natural light only used my speedlight for a few of the images I took - I LOVE the SUN!!


Cindy Shaver said...

This image is PRECIOUS!

Short Stories by Ruth said...

I love the sun is just too bad we never see it. :( I reallyl need practice with natural light. I've forgotten how. Great image Arya!