Friday, February 1, 2008

Arya's daughter

Ok this is just the first one I saw. There are so many cute ones to look at. This caught my eye. She was actually starting to be FINISHED with the whole thing. LOL Arya hasn't even seen this yet as I am still watching her children.


Tesa said...

This is awesome Ruth, she is going to love it! How awesome of you to watch her Kids!

Arya said...

I just love all the pictures! You did an awesome job! As a side note: THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! the kids fell right to sleep on the ride home and then crashed on the beds when we got into the room - you wore then out plenty good!

Maureen said...
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Maureen said...

Ruth, you are a's appropriate that you photograph angels and fairies :) This is a wonderful shot!

All our prayers to you Arya!