Okay, I'm slowly chipping away at getting Kacey's senior images done. The girl wants them taken EVERYWHERE. Anyway, this was done with garage light - hey, everyone else is doing it....bridge, jump...
Yes, this is her true personality. Never met such a priss. Don't ask me where it came from because I am so NOT prissy.
Okay, my skin tones are WAY MORE red than any of you guys posted here. Should I desaturate the reds?
Ya know I never know. I'm so color challenged. I've been using the gray card alot more and I callibrated my camera to my light meter. Since then I've just been trying to leave it the way it comes out of the computer because I tend to fuss too much!!!
Did you white balance and use your light meter? And should I get the 70-200?
Yes, I use the Expodisc to white balance. I meter and use the Calibration Target - so exposure and WB are not a problem.
YES YES YES I love it!!!
Cindy...do you shoot in rgb or srgb. I've switched to shooting in srgb and working in photoshop in srgb and now when I post things they all look the same. Besides my lab prints in srbg so I have NO idea why I was doing anything in rgb. Learned it from noBS.
Can the two of you teach a lighting and color class?
I use sRGB. I've had someone on NOBS recommend AdobeRGB and another suggest I remove the UV filter. Do the skin tones look bad on your monitor? They always look fine from the lab, but I truly have to play in PPing to get them even close. She is VERY fair and does have a lot of red undertones in her skin anyway.
Ruth, I'm up for a lighting class too. I used natural light for this one. I don't have studio lights. I use the strobes and study www.strobist.blogspot.com for now.
Well, I didn't notice this pic being overly red at all Cindy; the color looks great on my monitor. My first reaction was to wonder how you got such nice skin tones. There is a slight reddish undertone but it definitely looks natural.
I'm soooo a student!! not a teacher...LOL but thanks for the compliment. I need more classes still.
Wow, Cindy just beautiful!
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