Sunday, October 28, 2007

football again

and tho this is an easy shot to take ('cause they're not moving :) I thought it was cool.

ISO3200, ss320, f2.8


Arya said...

I really like it and the dof is just smashing! I never get a chance to take these types of sports shots, how awsome! Great job!

Cindy Shaver said...

I love this angle! You are getting as bad as I am with the sports. I think I love them as much I do weddings!

Short Stories by Ruth said...

are you posting these somewhere where people can buy them? You need to do this because I know you would sell some! Great job.

Maureen said...

You gals are the best! thanks, and Ruth...funny you should ask; I just opened a pro smugmug account to sell my pics to the parents. Now I just need to get the word out!

Short Stories by Ruth said...

make a flyer and ask the coach to pass it out to get the word out. Or if the coach puts out something to that parents, ask if you can add something to it?

If my son were on the team and you got some shots like I've seen you take, I would buy some. The colors are awesome. Are you using a monopod or handholding?

Maureen said...

I have a monopod, and as many 'soft' shots as I'm getting maybe I should USE it:)...I just hate being tied to a stick while I'm trying to shoot....I love getting down on the guys level (like this one) and I can never get the darn thing at the height I want.

I like the flyer idea (maybe at the awards night)and lol, yesterday the gal who put together the programs asked me to take senior night shots(standing with their parents) at the last game Friday night so they can frame them and give them to the senior boys on the team....Yikes!... Pressure!...I hate using flash!
Anyway, I asked her if I could put my business card in with the pics (course now I need to add the smugmug site to the card or write it on the professional)
And since I am writing a book, what f-stop do you guys use on portraits? (like 3 people in the pic- hint hint) I'm so used to almost wide open for light, but I can't take a chance on blur with these.