Friday, October 5, 2007

I'm posting 2...

...because my son Wilson took one of them. He was asking me why I was taking pics from 'weird places' and I told him we were doing creative angles this week. He asked if he could take one...and the kitty/flower vase photo is the result. He shot crouched next to the table where the kitty was sleeping. Not bad for one shot (didn't want to do any more, bores easily).

Kitty - ISO400, ss 125, f 1.8

Clock - ISO200, ss200. f 2.8


Arya said...

cool perspective on both images - tell your son he did a great job on the kitty shot - I feel like I was peeking in onn the kitty too.

Maureen said...

He will be tickled when I tell him that Ayra, thanks!

Short Stories by Ruth said...

love the clock shot!!!

Tesa said...

Kewl shots Meg and way to go son hehe