ok where in the heck is everyone????? What should we do ladies? I'm guilty too. Ok I have an excuse, well tons of them. But I'm documenting my one for today. While in Utah I bought (from a scenery company) some brick walls. They are some kind of pressed plastic, hard, and I have to paint them and make them into a wall for my studio. So I'm documenting this. Now I am STANDING IN THE DOORWAY to take these pictures...heheheh
I just thought you would like to see how I made them and then when they are finished I hope they look great for portraits. I'm SO not crafty so we'll see.
Image one is how they looked in the backseat of my car
Image two is the first stage of paint, the stuff in between the bricks.
Now I'll go down and paint it red and then get a sponge and put some white into it. Did I say I'm so NOT crafty?
Ruth I am all packed I will see you in hmmm 6 hours ok? :) ohh I love tea so go out and buy lots lol
You know, you claim to not be crafty but I have a feeling these walls will rock!
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