Sunday, July 8, 2007

Here's Scott's accident, Ruth...

Well, seeing your picture of the trailer rollover, I thought I'd share with you Scott's rollover. Back on Tuesday the 3rd, Scott had the same thing happen to him. He was driving along I-80 east bound when the tralier started to fish tail. He slowed down but ended up losing control and the trailer completely rolled over. Scott was a lot more fortunate then the people in Ruth's picture...the truck didn't go over with the trailer, although he was worried that it was going to, the trailer was whipping the back end of the truck so badly. He was blocking the one lane of I-80 and they ended up shutting both lanes down while they truned the Van back to the right side up. Amazingly enough, Scott didn't hit anyone and no one ran into him. And the trailer has minimal damage to it as well. Although all the tires and rims on the trailer are shot, and both axles need to be replaced. I'll post a pic tomorrow of what the roll over did to the rims...I've never seen rims bend the way these ones did!


Maureen said...

Thank God he wasn't hurt Lindy!

Jennifer said...

OMG Lindy that looks bad, really bad!! At least his own truck didn't flip!

Lindy said...

yeah well he thought the trailer was gonna take the truck over for a bit! I'm glad it didn't though, he had Byron with him as well.