Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It's a door :)

Well it is right??? :) oh and that is lil Will inside haha!!!!
Settings: f5.6, ss 640, iso 200, ran brozegod


Cindy Shaver said...

Tesa, too funny! But hey, you are participating and that's what counts.

Short Stories by Ruth said...

ok Tesa if that is water in the background and the car is slipping into the water, I'm gunna get just a little nervous....

Get Will out of the CAR!! LOLOL cute shot! and yes you are back from the black hole of work that sucked you in.......

Tesa said...

haha thxs ladies and yes ruth that is water but no worries we got him out just in the NICK of time lol....hes here safe and sound and hmmm annoying lol

and you have to all excuse me I been working a billion hours a week lately and im exhausted and today i am headed to see Nickelback in calgary :P

Maureen said...

A door is a door, and you always know how to make even the mundane look cool Tesa:)

Tesa said...

hehe Thxsss meg ur too sweet :)