Friday, July 13, 2007

Note from Cindy


My father-in-law passed from this world yesterday and needless to say, my girls are devastated as well as Phil and myself. I'll be checking in over the next couple of days, but will not be posting. I'm enjoying the themes and look forward to what the rest of you put up.

Please keep our family in your prayers.


Jennifer said...

oh wow, Cindy I am so very sorry to hear this. My prayers go out to your family during this time. I hope for strength for you all to make it through this.

aboutimage said...

I'm so sorry to hear. I hope our family will be well in such a difficult time.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Cindy! Prayers for you and the family.

Maureen said...

So sorry for your loss Cindy, my prayers are definitely with you and your family...

Tesa said...

I am sorry to hear that Cindy you and your family are in our prayers!

Julie ( THE Queen of TyPo'S) This chic can't spell!!! said...

So sorry to read this. my thoughts go out to you and your family.

Lindy said...

Oh Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear that! We will be praying for you and yours.

Short Stories by Ruth said...

Cindy...our prayers are with you and your family right now! So sorry for your loss !!