Sunday, July 29, 2007

Next week's theme

ok ladies...this is the last week of my choice of themes...who's gunna pick the next one? I say Meg!!! Everyone raise your hands if you want Meg to pick the next 8 or so...


ok the votes are tallied and Meg it is. So, Meg pic the next 8 out of our list. Use others if you think of something you want to do. And then Meg you pick the next person. Tesa and Lindy have yet to still put in their contributions so if you pick them, they will have to come up with a whole bunch.

Next week is Automobiles/Trucks all angles and different lights and actions. On your mark, set, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I promise I will post for this doors are not that pretty as you have seen Ruth!

Tesa said...

LOL Ruth don't push me sweetheart :) lol ok I WILL GET A LIST TO YA LOL geshhh ur a nail driver aint ya? haha