Thursday, May 29, 2008

I need models

ok the Mormon missionaries stopped by and I MADE them come into my studio for a little tea party. They actually got really "into" it. I think I need to light the backdrop. It just feels a little too dark .. What do you think?


Cindy Shaver said...

Oh my, please tell me they really were knocking on doors and this is what they get from you. How amazingly funny!

Maureen said...

I THINK that this is hysterical!!!

ps. and yes, the backdrop seems a bit dark.

Arya said...

the background does seem a bit too dark. Love that you got the missionaries to sit for you. I hope you sent them some to send back to their families.

Johnson Family said...

LOL Thats awesome!!!!!!

Hightower Photography said...

I love it!!!, what a chuckle. I would put some light on the background, it looks like they are having tea in a thunderstorm.