Hey gals I have to say is if you have NEVER done the Relay 4 Life YOU HAVE TOO! It was amazing, inspiring, life changing and just simply awesome! It was one of the best nights of my life and it was raining on us
lol. I lost 2 Aunts last year to cancer (one my mom's sister and one my dad's sister) I lost my grandmother (my mom's mom) at a very young age to cancer. I have another Aunt (another of my mom's sister) in stage 4 ovarian cancer. My girls grandmother is battling cancer and so is a friend of my husband. Cancer sucks and has touched my family greatly. Two of my Aunts have tested
postive in a gene test of carrying the
BCRA2 gene which is the breast/ovarian cancer gene. My Mom just went for testing and we are praying she is negative, we won't find out for a few months but anyway doing this relay was very important to me and was the best thing I have done in a long time.....it seriously was amazing! I put together a
lil video now
pls pls pls do NOT judge my photos
haha they are from a
lil digicam. It was raining most of the time and I didn't want to bring my
Dslr.......so well they are pretty
crappy but very special to me all at the same time.......you can check out my video here: (or on my blog too in case some of you don't no the
addy its:
http://tleeder.wordpress.com/and the video is on you tube, you can either
search for "
jdleeder" all our videos are under my husbands account there so search for that and it will pull up the
vids or go to this link to watch the relay
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms8fbaXn_Fc&eurl=http://tleeder.wordpress.com/Have a great nite ladies and thank you Ruth again for supporting me in the relay........we raised over 205,000 in total :)