Saturday, March 29, 2008


Okay, do you guys ever read the Digital Photo magazine? It is probably my favorite photography magazine. Each month it comes with a CD of tutorials and free downloads. The latest issue was on portraits (very JSO stuff). The free downloads were 6 different "montage" templates. Here is my play with one of them. I added the white edging because I didn't like it without. So, what think ye?


Short Stories by Ruth said...

I kinda had a hard time trying to decide. Are they individual pictures? Or just the template put over one image? Not seeing it!! sorry!

Cindy Shaver said...

It is a template, then you take one layer at a time and under Edit (I think) there is a menu item that says "fit to selection." It takes the section of the picture in that area and puts it in the selection for that layer. Do that for all of them, then you can move them around, if you like. I just thought it was different. But seniors is the only situation I thought it might work.