Monday, June 23, 2008


I'm in Utah and I have learned so much my head is going to explode.
The weather is hot (which is a nice change from rain) Salt Lake City is amazing to photograph in and I've had three seniors to shoot. Tonight Tina, Katie and I are doing a trash the dress session at the Great Salt Lake. I have tons of images to show you but I will spare you! LOL Here is a senior done on a newly released Silverlake backdrop, never seen before. It is called For Girls Only. I would really love it but it will have to wait. :( Oh and this is SOOC because my proofing ability sucks on my laptop so I just don't do it. Besides I don't even think my monitor is calibrated. So be kind! LOL


Arya said...

beautiful even SOOC! Sounds like you are having tons of fun - can't wait to see more of what you learned!

Maureen said... have got to be kidding! ...can't wait to see what you do to improve this (because see, it doesn't need improving :)

Very Nice Ruth!