Monday, June 2, 2008

or here is what it will look like once I stain it.


Hightower Photography said...

I love it. How big is it?

Maureen said...

Ditto! But the gray seems to stand out a bit....or is that just me?

Short Stories by Ruth said...

good question Meg... I have no idea what to do with the color, It isn't stained right now and maybe I need to stain in dark brown. Yea, I"m thinking dark brown now. I just know that the color of the fresh wood is aweful.

It is 3 ft long by a little over 2 feet wide. Tonight I will photograph a 10 year old and tomorrow night a 3 and 5 year old. I need to see how big I can go before it looks odd!

My cabanboy made it for me. :)

Hightower Photography said...

Got to love those Cabannaboys. I think Dark Brown might look better specially with that set.