Thursday, June 7, 2007

Orange you glad its another flower

Here's a different view of a flower. Settings: D70 18-70mm at 70mm f 4.5 1/1250 iso 1600


Lindy said...

Ohhh I love lily's!! This is pretty and color looks great! The title made me laugh too! :)

Maureen said...

Oh my gosh, my first post and I've already potentially offended someone. I hope you didn't take my comment about flowers being safe as a slight to your work Jennifer...which BTW is georgous! But I probably should warn you wonderful ladies, I do have a habit of sticking my foot in my mouth....often....sorry!

Short Stories by Ruth said...

you are funny Meg! Jen very pretty. I think mine are just about ready to bloom, they are taking forever this year.

Anonymous said...

Orange you just silly!!!
I cracked myself up! :)

Jennifer said...

Ahh, ladies you make me smile and laugh, thanks for the uplift today, I love you guys!! Michelle you are funny!!! I'm glad the title was ok atleast!