Tuesday, June 5, 2007

OH my it has been awhile for me eh?

Sorry hehe I am a bad gurl, what can i say? Always been a rebel haha. Posting a few pictures (since I been so bad) of our picnic the other day :) Here's my annoying ohhh i mean adorable lol family :)


Short Stories by Ruth said...

looks like you had a great time at the beach. Where did you go?

Lindy said...

Looks like fun!! hehe You have suc a cute family!! Although I don't see you anywhere! :)

blaaa said...

Ruth it's called Ma-Me-O Beach its only bout any hour from us but we had never been there. It was fun!

Hey Lindy hehe I was behind the camera where I belong :)

Jennifer said...

These are pretty awesome!

Cindy Shaver said...

Way to play catch-up! These are great. I love the angled shot of your son on the beach.

I'm with you, behind the camera is best! (however, in my scrapbooks it seems my children grew up without a mother)

Lindy said...

Oh my gosh Tesa!! I can't believe I missed that picture...That's one hunk of a hubby you got there!!! ;)

blaaa said...

Thanks Jennifer, Cindy ya know what you mean on growing up without a mom thing lol

Lindy haha he's okay I would still kick him out for eating crackers in my bed though.......now if it were steven paige hmmm well he could eat away in my bed LOL