Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm here in spirit

My mom got through surgery good. She had to have an incision just like open heart surgery so she is pretty wiped out. Not really conscience but I'm hanging out at the hospital as much as possible and doing all that I can to keep her comfortable. I can't open any RAW images from my laptop so there goes proofing stuff while I'm out here... that really bums me out!

But my mom is doing good and that is what is really important. :)


Cindy Shaver said...

Ruth, thanks so much for updating us. You are in our prayers.

Arya said...

((BIG HUGS)) I have been thinking and praying about your family. I am glad she is doing better. I hope her recovery is a smooth one.

Maureen said...

Praying for you and your family Ruth...always hard to see someone you love in the hospital.