Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kittys and more kittys

Did you know that a cat can give birth twice in a 6-month period?
I didn't :0

Giant kitty is a sibling....not the parent!

BTW....we ship international.


Cindy Shaver said...

awww, how sweet - no, do NOT send me one haha

Short Stories by Ruth said...

you need to have a talk with mamma kitty...and not to be slutting around. Teach that kitty some standards!!! LOL

Maureen said...

LOL...thanks ladies!

Arya said...

Awww so precious and unfortunately I did know they can have babies really quick and the hard way too....everytime I could get our female fixed when in high school she would already be preggers and couldn't be fixed - it took 6 tries before we finally got her fixed.

Courtney said...

Could you image being able to have a couple sets of multiples all within a matter of months! Yikes, makes me glad we have the whole nine months and 1 baby (usually) at a time! :)

Hightower Photography said...

So cute, but soo many ;)