Sunday, August 3, 2008

Gerbil Babies

SETTINGS: ISO: 100 AP: f/2.8 SS:1/60 Bounced flash used

I found 5 little babies this morning in Stewart & Shadows cage. They are all naked and are quite adorable. It was just what I needed to help curb my feelings of wanting another baby at this time.

2 appear to be white like their daddy Stewart and 2 look like they will be dark like their mommy Shadow AND one looks like it will be a combo of both - white all over except a nice black stripe like a raccoon across it's eyes and down it's side.

Yes, we plan on keeping them. The cage is big enough and I planned on making it bigger anyways so no worries on space. I wish it was so easy to just expand our own living space the way I can the gerbils.


Short Stories by Ruth said...

read up on it ok? My mom gerbal ate all her young. They may need some special attention. This shot is amazing!!!

Arya said...

mommy and daddy seem to be doing great so far. I will know more if any thing changes real quick. We used to raise bunnies and ended up not breeding a female bunny cause she kept eating her young.

Cindy Shaver said...

aww, almost makes me want one - but NOT